Reds True Bbq Liverpool 001

Red's True BBQ Liverpool

Café & Restaurant

Spreading their barbequed wings across the UK, Reds True Barbeque have opened their 7th British outpost in Liverpool. Proclaiming more a religion than your typical diner, the new Liverpool outpost for the restaurant offers diners a ‘place of worship’ with its retro garage interior and mouth-watering menu of smoked and rubbed meats.

Inside Out worked with the designers behind the Reds True Barbeque roll-out, supplying upholstered chairs and stools customised to the ‘industrial 70’s’ interiors. From the Louisiana chair in mustard geometric prints, to the Marshmallow stools in an eclectic mix of colours, the highly imaginative setting for the Liverpool venue provides an unforgettable dining experience.

Red's True BBQ Liverpool
Liverpool, UK
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