Distinctive design 02 | Armchair edition

Commercial Furniture Buying Tips

Some of the products we stock can't help but take our breath away. They make the most of unusual shape and structure to produce truly unique, never-been-seen-before pieces that we think are worth celebrating.

Take a look at the armchairs that we are in awe of:

Basket chair

A circular design that switches up the traditional wooden armchair with a mixture of Japanese and vintage spoke design. The image is softened with cushioned padding.

Bon Bon armchair

This chair, inspired by musical instruments has an innovative option to include Bluetooth sound and lighting for a truly atmospheric feature. It is bold and versatile, one of our most high-tech chairs.

Fuga chair

Intricate crafting detail has gone into the carving of this chair so that it features traditional notches in a more unusual, Scandi shape. We think it's simply beautiful.

Strauss armchair

Here bentwood curves are showcased strongly in a timeless and elegant design that builds the structure of the chair.

Bubble Club armchair

The construction of this chair is inspired by a typical, cosy, upholstered armchair, yet here it is made from moulded polypropylene! This gives it a solidity and suitability for outdoor use.

Lulu armchair

Traditional spindle-like spokes stretch from the seat to the arms of the Lulu armchair, but in this, the angles are intensified for a more modern style.

Sunrise armchair

Bentwood never fails to amaze us with its careful craftsmanship. In the sunrise armchair it is perfectly depicted in a vintage, old-western style.

Tonella armchair

A unique take on a straight-lined, cagelike spoke base that contrasts with a rounded cushioned seat for a modern armchair.

WW colour armchair

Colourful metal spokes mixed with painted wood on a traditionally shaped armchair with modern touches makes for a wonderfully innovative and contemporary armchair.

Valerie armchair

The Nordic inspiration so clear in this chair lends a wonderfully treelike, attractive structure. The wood branches out from the main structure for aesthetic effect.

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