Trees for cities 5

Lets Plant More Trees with Trees for Cities

There are some key dates for your diary in October which we want to make you aware of as below, for being able to volunteer and help Trees for Cities plant trees around London

October Dates

  • 22/10 - Redbridge Recreation Ground
  • 29/10 - Rosedale Park, Hillingdon

You can volunteer for these events and forthcoming events in your area by jumping onto the Trees for Cities website

Supporting Trees for Cities to Plant More Trees

Inside Out Contracts supports Trees for Cities by making donations based on the orders we receive.

Trees for Cities was selected because it offers three benefits.

  1. The first is that it helps communities in the UK by creating areas with more trees, Trees can help people with both mental health as well as physical. Walking among trees can reduce levels of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress and can boost the immune system through breathing in phytoncides. That's why being around trees feels so good.
  2. The second reason is to help the carbon footprint of furniture creation.
  3. The third reason is to promote the importance of sourcing wood responsibly and to ensure future generations have trees in order to be able to source wood

Perfect Pieces

The Forest Stewardship Council (or FSC) is an international organisation who is dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world's forests. When selecting furniture made with wood, we always advise checking if the furniture is FSC-approved.

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