Emilie Lounge Chair Blue Velvet Lario58 Inside Out Contracts
Atollo Collection Black And Velvet Inside Out Contracts
College Lounge Chair Calligaris Core Furniture Product 3 1
Gala Collection Luxuy Furniture Inside Out Contracts 4
Gala Collection Luxuy Furniture Inside Out Contracts 1

Product Highlights - New in 2019

Commercial Furniture Buying Tips

New year, new furniture! We've welcomed 2019 in with a selection of brand new pieces and we'd like to share a few of our favourites with you. Unique metal frames and classic shapes are forming our year so far, reminding us that comfort can, and should, always be chic.

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Atollo collection

Upholstered and elegant, the Atollo collection

Key trends to kick off with in 2019:

  • Soft curves in armrests, backrests and anywhere that can mould to fit the body
  • Quilted and fluted upholstery
  • Chic metal frames: Designers everywhere are incorporating these into their furniture, making interiors sleek and bold
  • Stylish sled metal bases

College metal lounge chair

Sled bases are showing up everywhere in furniture at the moment and our first top pick for the new year is no exception. The College metal lounge chair combines modern metal features with its subtle upholstered seat.

College metal lounge chair

The College lounge chair has a subtle sled base

Gala side chair

This time the metal sled base is combined with chunky and comfy upholstered seating. The Gala side chair ticks all the boxes for furniture trends of recent months. This chair is part of a collection which exudes formal elegance, with an armchair and bar stool to complement it within any hotel or restaurant setting.

The Gala side chair

Hot orange, the Gala side chair exudes formal elegance

Emilie lounge chair

We're feeling optimistic this year, especially since the Emilie lounge chair has evoked in us a vision of retro romance. Stirring these emotions in our souls with its curved armrests, deep set seat and fluted upholstery, all set upon a chic metal structure.

The Emilie lounge chair

Filling us with retro romance, the Emilie lounge chair

Atollo bench

The Atollo collection began it's life as coffee and side tables with intricate tubular frames and a marble or lacquered top. Now, the collection has grown to incorporate super cool seating. The frame has stayed the same but the top has been switched up with a comfortable upholstered seat. Talk about up-cycling great design.


Green & Gold make the perfect combination on this Atollo bench

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