Pod Possibilities | 5 Places for Outdoor Pods

Commercial Furniture Buying Tips

Wondering where best to place our exciting new outdoor pods?

Well, we have a few ideas for you.

They are being snapped up for all sorts of projects from pubs to cafes, hotels to workspaces.


The perfect place to sip a pint (or a lemonade.)
families out for walks, friends meeting for a natter, sunshine flitting in and out of the clouds, occasional bouts of rain; you don't want to go your separate ways and you can't take cover inside but you can huddle inside an outdoor pod and while away a few hours in company with a bustling atmosphere around you.


Fancy a frothy coffee? Mmm we've missed a caramel soy latte with a biscoff on the side. Coffee granules at home just aren't the same, are they... Nor is a brief pitstop for a takeaway cardboard cup. We want that clink of china. And now we can have it, but we need somewhere to sit. Enter: our outdoor pods decorated in pretty pastels; all the rage for tea-drinkers and coffee-gulpers alike.


Tired of home-cooked meals and takeaways from the couch? Isn't it nice to finally be allowed to dress up and go out and enjoy a meal that you had nothing to do with - from the cooking to the washing up to... picking up the phone and placing the order. Bookings will be bursting when guests see the outdoor pods dressed up cosily with ambient lighting and heating and ready to host them for a hearty meal.


The sun is beginning to shine again and those who have been working from home might just want to take advantage of the opportunity to carry out their tasks beneath the blue skies. But what if... your workspace or your education space can offer just that? Outdoor pods set up to provide shade for the visibility of your screen and protect your paperwork with all the benefits of the fresh air and the added company of your working community.


It's not a huuuuge amount of time before we will be able to socialise inside. And whilst we are all excited about this, some of us are equally anxious. Pods can provide a certain sense of privacy and safety when placed inside and used as secluded booths. They also offer a very enticing area for children and adults alike; they will be the most sought-after spot in the venue.

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