GAIL's Horsham - Bakery 10


GAIL's, Horsham - Bakery

GAIL's, Horsham Gallery

Introducing GAIL's, Horsham

A first-floor terrace overlooks the historic market square in our new bakery in Horsham. Our friends at @madeinplace designed the space taking into consideration the form and function of the existing building, recycling nearly everything from walls, staircases and the shopfront. All wood supplied by our joiner is sustainably sourced and the stainless-steel elements can be recycled at the end of its life.⁠

Championing a sustainable approach when building our bakeries is vital and the designers at Made in Place have said it best:⁠

“We didn’t feel there was a need to add a sustainably sourced material just for the sake of it. We work the other way and use try to use simple straight forward materials in interesting ways. We are very focused on embodied energy which we think is the big concern. The journey a material takes to get to site is as or more important than what the material is.”⁠

Pop in for a pot of breakfast tea this week. ⁠

46 Carfax, Horsham RH12 1EQ

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